Tag Archives: thanksgiving

Fall Impressions: Week 4

Just a little last minute turkey craft for you and the kids. No spiritual value whatsoever. But yummy? Oh yeah!! Click here to see my vlog about it!

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So, do you have a fun Thanksgiving craft, tradition, recipe or activity to share?  You know, one that actually works? Well, link up with today’s Fall Impressions Carnival! Just write a post on your own blog about a great fall/autumn/thanksgiving activity.  Make sure this idea is kid-friendly and ideally shows your kids the truth about the season or impresses God’s Word on their hearts.

After posting, just click the Mr. Linky below to add the link to your post. (Not the link to your blog, but to your actual post.) And just to be nice, link back to this post, so others can participate, too!

Then come back and look at the other posts and find some fun stuff to do with your kids!



Filed under activity, carnival

Real Quick…

Just found THE CUTEST Thanksgiving crafts from my friend Isabel at alphamom.com.

I think it’s time for Thanksgiving-table-craft-take-two!


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Filed under blogginess, craft

Fall Impressions: Week 3

[alternate title: How NOT to do a Thanksgiving craft.]

At our house, Thanksgiving is a REAL meal. We dress up, we use china, cloth napkins and all sit around a decorated table. My husband’s family uses mismatched plates and paper napkins…but that’s another post. Anyway, this year I wanted to make something with Lydia that we could use on the table. Place cards or napkin rings or even a centerpiece. I just didn’t want it to be…well, you know…ugly. So, I was overjoyed when I saw this cute napkin ring craft over at Family Fun!

You use buttons lined up on popsicle sticks to make some “Indian corn”. I love it! Buttons are a weakness of mine and I knew Lydia would enjoy gluing them.

The original instructions suggested using 12 popsicle sticks on top of a 4×5.5 piece of felt. I decided to use fun foam instead.

I let Lydia glue on the 12 popsicle sticks. (I happened to have white ones left over from her Snowflake Party.)

Then we started gluing on the buttons. It is important to glue them straight down the popsicle sticks. This gives you the little rows of corn. So, we glued them as straight as we could. Then I realized the buttons were too big for the popsicle sticks. Even though we were gluing them straight, they were still overlapping onto other sticks.

Well, we kept going anyway and then let it dry. Then I tried to roll it up and admire our Indian corn. Only it wouldn’t roll. It looks more like…I don’t know, a trapezoid of buttons. But certainly not anything remotely related to the corn family. Not to mention half the buttons popped off.

In Conclusion:
1. Make sure your buttons are smaller than your popsicle sticks.
2. Make sure your buttons are all the same size.
3. Buy 3billion buttons.
4. Block off at least 2 hours. Unless you’re just eating Thanksgiving dinner with a family of 2. Because this takes a long time.
5. Actually follow the directions. Maybe using the fun foam made it worse? (Note to self: buy felt)

I guess we’ll have to stick with my mom’s napkin rings this year. But the worst part? I wasted all those buttons…

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So, do you have a fun Thanksgiving craft, tradition, recipe or activity to share?  You know, one that actually works? Well, link up with today’s Fall Impressions Carnival! Just write a post on your own blog about a great fall/autumn/thanksgiving activity.  Make sure this idea is kid-friendly and ideally shows your kids the truth about the season or impresses God’s Word on their hearts.

After posting, just click the Mr. Linky below to add the link to your post. (Not the link to your blog, but to your actual post.) And just to be nice, link back to this post, so others can participate, too!

Then come back and look at the other posts and find some fun stuff to do with your kids!

***looks like something is wrong with the Mr. Linky site. So, just leave your link in the comments if it’s not working for you…***



Filed under carnival, craft

Fall Impressions: Week 1

Welcome to our first week of Fall Impressions! Let’s jump right in, shall we? First is my big idea, the Mr. Linky is below for you to link up!

I have a confession…

I haven’t done my activity with Lydia yet. *gasp* I wanted to do it today but voting and some other crafty goodness (I’ll show you soon…) got in the way. But I’ve got all the STUFF to do this idea and I’m so excited about it.

This month at church, we’re collecting canned goods for a local charity organization. I really want Lydia to have the desire to give to others. I want this to be an automatic response for her. Not just during Thanksgiving or when there’s a push for it, but all the time. But this time of year, is a great time to introduce her to giving AND a great time for her to get really excited about it.

So, here’s what we’ll be doing tomorrow…

cardboard box
veggies (potatoes, mushrooms, etc.)
canned foods
optional: heart stickers

1. Cut veggies in pieces. You may even want to carve the potatoes into shapes. (Here’s a good example.)
2. Pour paint out on paper plate (or something) to dip veggies in.
3. Tape bottom of cardboard box, leave top open.
4. Use veggies as stamps and decorate the outside of a cardboard box.

(***you could decorate the outside of the box with anything BUT since we’re doing our V verse this week, I thought veggie stamps would be fun!***)

I’m planning on decorating the outside of the box not just with veggies but with our V verse and possibly with phrases like “Jesus Loves You” or “We’re thankful for you!”.

I know that no one will ever see the box and admire it’s handiwork. Our church just asked us to bring the cans in a box because it’s easier to pack. But I want to decorate it because it will impress this activity even more into Lydia’s mind. I want her to remember the time and effort we spend on giving.

Then, we’re going to head off to the grocery store to fill our box! I’m going to let Lydia pick out whatever canned veggies (more “v” stuff!) she’d like (within reason, of course!) and fill the entire box. This will be the only thing we’ll buy at the store. I want her to see how important this is!

Now, onto my favorite part!

When we get home, I’m going to let her decorate the tops of the cans! I’ve got some awesome glittery heart stickers that Lydia has been DYING to use. I’m going to let her put a heart sticker on the top of the can and I’ll write “Jesus Loves You”. So, maybe, just maybe, whoever gets these cans will see that little message and they’ll realize that it’s true!

And I hope my little girl will remember this activity—to remember those in need, to remember that even little things make a big difference and most of all to remember that we are to tell everyone, in every way that Jesus loves them!


Well, there’s my fall-thanksgiving-ish idea! Let’s see what you’ve got!

All you have to do to participate is write a post on your own blog about a great fall/autumn/thanksgiving activity. Make sure this idea is kid-friendly and ideally shows your kids the truth about the season or impresses God’s Word on their hearts. This activity can be a craft (love ’em!), a tradition (my fave), an activity (like mine) or whatever else pops into your mind! Be creative!

After posting, just click the Mr. Linky below to add the link to your post. (Not the link to your blog, but to your actual post.) And just to be nice, link back to this post, so others can participate, too!

Then come back and look at the other posts and find some fun stuff to do with your kids!


Filed under activity, carnival

Fall Impressions

We’re starting a new weekly column here at Impress Your Kids! Each Wednesday we’ll post a fun seasonal craft, activity, tradition or recipe. Then you can show how uber-creative you are by posting your very own seasonal activity on your blog. We’ll provide a Mr. Linky here for you to link up and show off!

This month is November (obviously) so we’ll do a Thanksgiving/Harvest/ Thankful/Autumn theme. This is a very loose theme so it can be anything you like. BUT the idea is that you use this activity to impress your kids with the real meaning of the season.

We’ll keep the Mr. Linky up all week, so if you can’t get a post up on Wednesday, don’t worry. You’ll have all week to read everyone’s posts and post your own!

So get your creative juices flowin’! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

wanna put the button on your blog? here’s the code (I hope)…

<a href=”https://impressyourkids.wordpress.com”><img src=”http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn115/purplesahm/fall-1.jpg&#8221; border=”0″ alt=”Photobucket”></a>

(cut and paste this, then change all the italicized quotation marks to regular quotation marks…i’ll fix it asap but that’s the temporary fix…)


Filed under carnival