Tag Archives: blogging

A New Thing

I told you about my bbb, Leigh? The one who saved me with some good Q verses?

Well, we met almost a year ago when we did a swap online. We connected immediately because we both crush on Harry Connick, both have January 06 babies and basically think the same about tv, family and God. (You know, the three most important things in life.)

When I started this blog, Leigh was really excited about it. She’s been wanting to do something with her son (same age as Lydia, remember?) and this is exactly up her alley. Because oh yeah, I forgot to mention she’s uber-crafty.

She emailed me this week and said she was starting the Letter A with her son. They’re going to do “And God is able to shower all kinds of blessings on you.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 as their verse. Isn’t that a great one? I was going to ask her to make sure to post on her blog about it so I could steal see her ideas. Then, I thought, why not post them here?! So, I asked her to start posting what she’s doing here at Impress Your Kids, too! I’m so excited to see what God moves her to do and what she and her son create together!

The next few days she’ll post, we’ll add some info to the “about me” page, etc. So, look for those changes! And don’t forget to visit Leigh at her bloggy home away from home, My New Thing.

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