Tag Archives: letter t

Towers & Tinkerbell

In the continuing effort to maximize our “T verse and after our awesome train, I scoured our bookshelves for some good “T” books. But no such luck. Then I glanced at the site Leigh mentioned, Christian Preschool Printables but their suggestion was the Tower of Babel. Which made me remember my FAVORITE BOOK IN THE WHOLE WORLD and its story about the Tower of Babel.

So, Lydia and I read it. And for some reason, even though we’ve read it 100 times, she was mesmerized by this story and the tower. She asked lots of questions. And even though I couldn’t really explain languages, I was happy to read the end because (in my own terrible paraphrase), the author explains that there is no way we can get to heaven. We can never build a tower big enough. So, for man and God to be reconciled, Heaven would have to come to earth. And that is exactly what happened when Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem.


And the Tinkerbell? Well, my aunt sent Asa some clothes and was kind enough to not leave out the big sister. So, Lydia got a Tinkerbell paperdoll. We played with it forever and continued to talk about T-t-t-t-tinkerbell! Hey, anything can be a teachable moment! (Like, “Uh, Lydia, we do NOT dress like Tinkerbell. Only fairies can wear short skirts and a strapless bustiere and have pouty lips.”)

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So, we’re on day two of the letter T. And I decided a train would be a great craft. I mean, there’s got to be mountains of crafts on trains. And there are. They are just all lame. At least to me. I found one made out of a tissue box and thought it might work ok. I modified it a little and well, here it is…

Supplies needed:

tissue box
toilet paper/paper towel tube
brown or plain paper
miscellaneous decorations


1. Wrap tissu! box with paper. I suggest you make sure the seam is on the bottom and the opening to the tissue box is on the top. That will help you later…

2. Cut tube to desired height and tape to end of box. Push tissues in tube. Voila–smoke stack and smoke!

3. Attach wheels and other decor as needed.

4. If you’re feeling really crafty, make some people to go along for the ride. Lydia and I used yarn, pipe cleaners, wiggly eyes and clothespins to make exact replicas of ourselves. Lydia drove the train. I was the passenger. Of course.

Just punch them into the top of the train/box (this is why you want the opening on top) and they’ll be snug as a bug in a rug.

5. If you’re feeling especially educational (and happen to have some fun foam letters on you) spell the word “train”. Or you know, if you can’t fit it all in one line, just spell “Tra” and “in”. Whatever works.

6. Last but not least, practice your “chugga, chugga, chooo chooo”!

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